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Worship Ministry

At Dillon, we love music. All types of it. And we love to be in God's presence, having been brought there through music. From our treasured hymns of yesteryear to today's contemporary praise and worship music. If it honors God, it pleases Him. And that pleases us.


You and I were made to worship. We will worship something, whether it be our own desires and ambitions, athletes or movie stars. We believe worshipping our God should be our aim. 


Ultimately, Worship to our Father God and His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through Their Holy Spirit is what we were made to do. WHEN we worship Him, it brings us into His very presence, and prepares our hearts to hear what He has for us to hear each week as we gather in our place of worship. 


Not attending a church? Please consider joining us and lending your voice to the vertical mix as we praise our God. We hope to see you soon! 


In Christ,


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